Soil + Earthwork Calculator for Android Tablet
Summary:92 Calculators & Converters related to Soil, Earthwork & Civil Engineering. Available in both Metric & Imperial Units with Formulas. Automatic Calculations & Accurate Conversions.
Category:Education, Calculator
Requiements:Works with all Android Tablet
Overview Soil and Earthwork Calculator contains 92 Calculators and Converters, that can quickly and easily calculate and convert different Soil, Earthwork and Civil Engineering parameters. Automatic & Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit and Value Changes. Available in Imperial and Metric Units. Most Comprehensive Soil and Earthwork Calculator.
 Available in Metric and Imperial Units
Soil and Earthwork Calculator contains following 60 Calculators: Water Content of a Soil Sample (Volumetric)Water Content of a Soil Sample (Gravimetric)Void RatioDegree of SaturationDegree of Saturation (Based on Void Ratio)PorosityDry Unit Weight of a Soil Specimen
Relative Density of Cohensionless Soils (Based on Void Ratio)Relative Density of Cohensionless Soils (Based on Dry Unit Weight of Soil)Plasticity IndexLiquidity IndexShrinkage IndexActivity
Saturated Unit Weight of SoilDry Unit Weight of SoilBuoyant Unit Weight of Soil
Coefficient of Internal Friction of SoilVertical Stress in Soil (Boussinesq Equation)Vertical Stress in Soil (Westergaard Equation)Coefficient of Active PressureCoefficient of Passive Pressure
Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils)Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils & Surface behind the Wall is Level)Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils and are Completely Restrained)Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils and are Completely Restrained & Surface behind the Wall is Level)Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohesive Soils and Free to Move a Considerable Amount)Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohesive Soils and Free to Move a Small Amount)Total Thrust from the Soil (Highly Cohesive Soils)Total Thrust from Water retained behind a Wall
Effect of Surcharge on a Wall retaining Cohensionless Soil/Unsaturated Cohesive SoilStability Number (Slope - Without Seepage Water)Stability Number (Slope - Seepage of Water)
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Soil (Prandtl's Equation)Relationship between Loads on Foundations and SettlementVolume of SoilPercentage of Moisture Content in SoilField Density of SoilDry Density of SoilPercentage of Compaction of Soil
Scaling Factor (Load-Bearing Test)California Bearing RatioFlow RateCompaction Production
Rolling Resistance (Earth Moving)Grade Resistance (Earth Moving)Total Road Resistance/Total Pull (Earth Moving)Volume of Soil after ExcavationVolume of Soil after Compaction
Scraper ProductionTrips per Hour (Scraper)Amount of Material carried by a MachineProduction RequiredNumber of Scrapers needed on a JobNumber of Scrapers a Pusher can LoadVariable Time
Wavelength of Vibration during ExplosionVelocity of Particles distributed by Vibration during ExplosionAcceleration of Particles distributed by Vibration during ExplosionOverpressure due to ExplosionSound Pressure Level Soil and Earthwork Calculator contains following 32 Converters:
AccelerationAngleAreaDensityEnergy/WorkFlow Rate (Mass)Flow Rate (Volume)FluidForceFrequencyHardnessLengthMassMetric WeightMetrologyMoment of ForceMoment of InertiaPrefixesPressureRadiationSpecific Heat CapacitySpecific VolumeTemperatureThermal ConductivityThermal ExpansionTimeTorqueVelocityViscosity (Dynamic)Viscosity (Oil & Water)Viscosity (Kinematic)Volume Key Features:Complete coverage of calculators and converters in Soil, Earthwork and Civil Engineering Parameters.Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output with respect to changes in the Input/Options/Units.Formulas are provided for each calculator.Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds up Data Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed. Most Comprehensive Soil and Earthwork Calculator